Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Which Should I get?

Dear stranger who is reading this which clothing piece do you think I should order?

From Urban Outfitters. Cost 48$. If I order them now theres free shipping?
Dress from Modekungen. Cost 45$

Let me know your feedback! Greatly appreciated. I think I may be gravitating towards the dress because it's really versatile and I feel I will probably end up using more then the shorts. I really like dresses for some reason. Also I like buying dresses because I feel like when you wear a dress you just pay for one piece unlike shorts you would still need to wear a shirt but a dress you only need to wear that and it covers your top and your bottom. (Unless of course you decide to go topless or commando which is totally up to you and will probably end up saying you some money, therefore I say go for it)


  1. I think they're both great staple pieces, but if you can only choose one I say go for the shorts. They look a lot more versatile :) & the free shipping is an added bonus :)

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    Day By Diva

  2. thanks so much! i actually ended up getting the shorts!
